
Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin,
Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert,
and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism

Patterico @ 12:54 am

Filed under: Brett Kimberlin,Neal Rauhauser,Ron Brynaert,Scum,Velvet Revolution — Patterico @ 12:54 am

You’re about to listen to one of the most bone-chilling pieces of audio you will ever hear. At least, it was to me when I first heard it.

It’s a phone call that could have gotten me killed.

In this post you will hear that audio clip. You will also read about a months-long campaign of harassment carried out by at least three individuals: Ron Brynaert, Neal Rauhauser, and Brett Kimberlin — much of it directed at critics of Brett Kimberlin. This harassment includes repeated references to critics’ family members, workplace complaints, publication of personal information such as home addresses and pictures of residences, bogus allegations of criminal activity, whisper campaigns, frivolous legal actions, and frivolous State Bar complaints.

And finally, you will hear a comparison of one of those men’s voices to that of the man who made the call that sent police to my home. And you’ll read a declaration from a forensic audio expert comparing those two voices.



  • Drug dealer, alleged child molester, and convicted perjurer, forger and Indiana Speedway Bomber (who is also believed to have played a role in the assassination of a grandmother), Brett Kimberlin, spent 17 years in prison before his ultimate re-absorption into American society
  • He started a non-profit dubbed “Justice Through Music (JTM)” that has, since at least 2005, been funded by George Soros’ Tides Foundation and Barbara Streisand among other leftists
  • Along with his associate, Kimberlin also started an organization called “Velvet Revolution” that supports the Occupy movement
  • JTM’s goal is to use music to foster “social justice” and fight Republican “voter fraud” (like the kind George Bush allegedly used to “steal” the Florida election)
  • Any blogger — conservative and liberal alike — who has written the truth about Kimberlin has come under vicious attack by either Kimberlin or his minions, suffering death threats (veiled and unveiled), multiple lawsuits, loss of jobs and worse
  • He has filed over 100 frivolous lawsuits against anything that isn’t nailed down and somehow is being allowed to continue unchecked
  • This story has never been reported on in the mainstream media
  • How immutable are our First Amendment rights? Would they remain so even under the most dire conditions? There are about half a dozen bloggers who, at this very moment in time, are finding out just that, after having been subject to: death threats, blackmail, extortion, numerous frivolous lawsuits, cyber-attacks of email and social networking accounts and become the target of smear campaigns that have led to their firing until ultimately discovering that others who came before them, have turned up dead.

    Move over Ayers, there’s a not-so-new domestic terrorist in town

    What follows is the unbelievable yet non-fictional tale of a left-wing ex-con with an extensive rap-sheet who, since his release from prison, has led the crusade against Republican “voter fraud” while simultaneously making it his life’s mission to threaten, brutalize, shakedown, sue, slander and generally terrorize any writer — conservative and liberal alike — who dares speak plainly about his checkered past. The post is lengthy, as there is much ground to cover where Kimberlin’s past is concerned, but the information is pertinent to understanding how and why he began brutalizing bloggers with whom he disagrees. Following this background, we will review the shocking accounts of two of his latest victims…. READ MORE

    Free speech blogburst: Show solidarity for targeted conservative bloggers; Update: It’s Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day; Donation fund for targets

    Update May 25 midnight: As I noted on Wednesday, blogs and Twitter users are uniting today for Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin. This post will remain the lead story all day so that newcomers to this ongoing story can get the basics. The list of bloggers below who have stepped forward to write about Kimberlin — and support those he has attacked — will continue to be updated throughout the day. E-mail if I have missed you. New blog post excerpts and latest developments will also be added below. Just keep scrolling. Patterico reminds readers that a left-leaning lawyer and left-leaning blog were also targeted, which I want to make sure to note. Be sure to check Patterico’s blog for more jaw-dropping revelations about his plight. Also bookmark Aaron Walker’s blog, Stacy McCain’s, and Liberty Chick Mandy Nagy’s Twitter feed. Read the comprehensive investigative piece Mandy wrote at Breitbart.com that set all the insanity in motion.

    Mandy and Aaron will be on Lee Stranahan and Brandon Darby’s radio show at 7am ET to talk about Kimberlin. Please remember: Kimberlin is a radical, violent, lying, dangerous felon. This is literally a matter of life and death, freedom vs. terrorism. We side with life and freedom…. READ MORE